Thursday 6 August 2020


Nobody goes to Cusco to look for modern Peruvian art, which is not famous after all. A possibility that a Gringo visitor will go to a museum of not even a painter, but a weaver who produces tapestries in a traditional manner but with modern designs - is slim indeed.
However, a choice of Cusco for a place where a museum of a modern weaver is - is a rational one, if it is to attract Gringo viewers. There is a chance that somebody may stay in Cusco half a day too long and will wonder where to go one afternoon. Perhaps to a museum of Maximo Laura, who must be somehow important if there is a museum of his works in Cusco. 
This is exactly what happened to me when I was in Cusco half a day too long. 
 Not a bad stuff but it won't be anybody's first impression to share after a journey to Peru. 

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