Saturday 29 May 2021

Sonora desert

It is a desert supposedly. I have to say I was surprised to see it so green, having seen before deserts like Sahara, where all you see is stones or sand.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Top End of Down Under

 Some more pics from Down Under, this time from the Top End. 

It rains a lot there for three months in the year and not at all for nine. 

When it does the rivers swell and the crocs wait for the drivers of cars who try to get out of their flooded cars. 

When it doesn't the rivers become a string of billabongs where the crock still wait for tourists hiking too close to  the water. 

They say the land is useless there which is why the population is still mostly Aborigine (which of course means that not everybody thinks it is useless).