Sunday 8 December 2019

Ashaninka Indians

     Ashaninka, also known as Kampa, are a fierce tribe of Indians from the Peruvian Amazon jungle, who have never been conquered either by the Inkas or by the Spaniards. More recently they sent packing the communist guerrillas of Sendero Luminoso. Apparently the communist agents sent to persuade them to join the guerilla war were shot with bows and arrows. Even today we were told that it is better not to visit their villages without the prior introduction. 
    Well, I visited them, having of course been introduced. Here are a few portraits for anybody who would like to know what fierce Indians look like. They live in the Amazon jungle, which they burn regularly and plant manioc in the burned-out spot. Thanks to that manioc and fish in rivers they don't need to worry about lack of supermarkets in the vicinity (I guess the nearest one is some 500 miles away). They live in thatched houses that traditionally had no walls, although recently they build some walls with planks. Traditionally they wore self-made tunics called "kuchma", although recent fashion is to wear shop bought stuff. There is no supermarket nearby but there is a school in the village and the kids learn there more or less the same stuff that our kids do. Some of Ashaninka kids have high ambitions, for example one girl told us that she aims to be a doctor.

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